A passion for problem seeking.


We all have ideas about how to improve our business. Consulting at UpShoot starts with debunking assumptions, to validate and support your best ideas for innovating the business.

Specialties include:

•  Customer Discovery & Market Research
•  Experience Design, Usability Testing & Prototype Validation
•  Lean Product Development & Agile Marketing
•  Short-term to Permanent Role Replacement

UpShoot exposes root problems creating friction in the customer life cycle, before building strategies for successful implementation of new business innovation.


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Discover New Customers


From Market Research and Usability Testing, to Experience Design and Agile Marketing, we make it our mission to understand your customer inside and out. And then continue to learn about their likes and dislikes, to better enhance and improve your business and its offerings.

Using your current customer base and initiating feedback where needed, we gain insight as to likely rate of adoption for new products and services. This provides you, the business owner the right support for making informed decisions for future growth. We can further provide assistance to improve customer experience, purchase conversion or marketing efficacy.


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Verify a Game-changing Idea


Leveraging customer feedback, we distill your ideas and probable solutions into experiments for iterative testing. Too much change and it is difficult to understand what worked and why. Or why it didn't. 

We partner with and train your business team to execute tests and simple prototypes that accurately assess positive growth from every change implemented.


Heatmaps evaluate successful design implementation.

Learn Lean, Be Agile


Digital mediums have forever changed communication channels, as well as how quickly we can receive customer feedback when developing new product iterations.

UpShoot advocates, applies and educates businesses on agile and lean methodologies, to implement new product innovation and marketing. Through both disciplines, we can introduce your business to a faster process of scaling new business ideas and messaging, fit for the 21st Century business.


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Extend Your Team


When it comes to executing an intensive marketing solution or project, allow UpShoot to serve in a fractional role and blend with your existing staff, engage to manage third-party partners, or lead a new project implementation team.